Science Marches On: Fat Thighs Might Actually Be A Sign Of Health (Really) > FAQ

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  • Spencer
  • 24-12-30 18:08
  • 34

Science Marches On: Fat Thighs Might Actually Be A Sign Of Health (Really)


Secondly, you may be able to get financing if you need it. Some federal government money is available for online courses. If you take your courses through a community or vocational college, check with the financial aid counselor to see what funds are available.

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The study reports that we have healthier "peripheral fat" (limbs) and "unhealthy visceral fat (stomach)." According to a professor, "pay more attention to waistline fat rather than thigh fat". Oh sure, easy to for you to say; you probably look great in shorts. Oops. I digress.

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